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“This thought sees as the dominant factor in history, not raw economic facts, but humanity, humans in societies, humans in relation to one another, reaching agreements with one another, developing through these contacts (civilization) a collective, social will; humans coming to understand economic facts, judging them and adapting them to their will until this becomes the driving force of the economy and moulds objective reality, which lives and moves and comes to resemble a current of volcanic lava that can be channelled wherever and in whatever way human will determines.” -Antonio Gramsci

CB’s Question: Which individual, human will-to-power is going to control the direction of the collective human lava flow?

Charles Bivona, Organic Intellectual?

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As theorized by Gramsci, an Organic intellectual, unlike a traditional intellectual, is a bourgeoisie scholar who cultivates strong roots in his/her community, working to maintain links with local issues and struggles that connect to the people and their experiences. While traditional intellectuals imagine themselves as an autonomous group with an historical presence above and separate from political class struggle, they are in fact strongly allied with the dominant ideology and the ruling class. On the other hand, organic intellectuals openly recognize their location within the dominant ideology and their function in perpetuating it, and use their positionality to cultivate strategies for helping their communities to develop a self-inspired, organic consciousness.