President Woodrow Wilson Screened this Film at the White House

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Yes, that’s the Ku Klux Klan. Yes, they are rushing to rescue the poor white folk from the marauding brown people, who are dressed as Civil War era Union Soldiers–if you  hadn’t noticed.

Woodrow Wilson held a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University and a B.A. from Princeton University.

I wonder what Abraham Lincoln would have said about Wilson’s movie night. Probably something like, “so much for academia.”

from My Dinner with the Republican Mayor

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“Yes, I agree, we should not spend money we don’t have. But that’s a bad cultural habit that will take some time to break. In the meantime, if the United States is going to go deeper into debt, it should do so helping the people, and not fighting wars and bailing out huge corporations.”

[She agreed with the huge corporation part.]