I created this one professor, one student, “BLOG UNIVERSITY” just for you. On this web site I will literally try to teach you everything I know. I will try to share as many of my thoughts and stories as possible. I’ll definitely get into the mysteries that gnaw at me. I talk about death a lot. Sorry.

I am committing myself to this project, because I know how brilliant you really are. I noticed it in you when you were very small. You were speaking before you could walk, and you used the word cornucopia in a complete sentence when you were only three years old.

And, ok, I’m selfish. I know that you’re smarter than I am. I know that–with the right foundation–you could become my greatest teacher and friend.

So, feel free to look around. The four most recent posts will always be on the front page. If you fall behind, you can use the calendar to navigate to the days you’ve missed.

The easiest way to follow is with an email subscription. You’ll get an email every time I post something new.

My Working Bibliography is a growing collection of links that have influenced me. Browse them at your leisure.

Everything else is me trying to become famous for my thoughts. It’s weird. I know.

Have fun!


Your Buddha Daddy

This is some of my favorite poetry.

What do you think?